Dynex’s Product Design & Development Engineers, Songlin Yang, Qin Liu, Qiwei Zhu, Chengzhan Li, Yangang Wang will be presenting their paper on the ‘Research of characterization for activation rate of ion implantation in SiC Power Device Manufacturing’ at PCIM in Nuremberg, 9 - 11 May 2023. In addition Dynex will be exhibiting at PCIM again this year and hope to welcome you to our stand 9 - 311, Nuremberg, Germany.
The effective activation of P-zone is closely related to the blocking voltage, on-state resistance and switching characteristics of SiC devices. The activation rate of P-zone directly affects the current density. This paper investigates the effects of different ion implantation energies and doses on the substitution activation rate and electron activation rate. The characterization method including TLM measurement, Hall measurement and SIMS measurement. In addition, the research explores how to calculate the activation rate significantly and accurately. The experimental results show that the activation rate of annealing conditions at 1750 ° C, 30 min, 1800 ° C and 10 min is better than other parameters.
This paper explores the two process factors that affect the activation rate: activation annealing and ion implantation, seeks the activation rate of the current chip implantation concentration under different annealing conditions, and characterizes the activation rate of different implantation concentrations under the 1800 ° C, 5min activation annealing conditions, providing vigorous support for SiC power device product manufacturing.
To receive a copy of Songlin Yang and Co's research paper and for an opportunity to discuss in detail the 'Research of characterization for activation rate of ion implantation in SiC Power Device Manufacturing', sign up to attend the PCIM conference or contact us to arrange a meeting with our team at powersolutions@dynexsemi.com