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Sustainability has been a concern to businesses for a number of years, but the recent Global crisis and extreme weather conditions have shifted the emphasis and companies are recognising that environmental issues could be more damaging to the World than the pandemic.
In May of this year the UK Government called on micro businesses to take practical steps to cut emissions as part of the UK’s journey to net zero by 2050.
Over the past decade Dynex have consciously taken simple and practical steps to protect the planet and recognise the benefits of growing a low carbon business. Our policy is to reduce pollution, work in a sustainable way by using renewable energy and recycling materials as much as possible. Since 2000 we have been signed up to the UK Government’s Climate Change Agreement (CCA) which sets energy reduction targets for the semiconductor industry. We have Environmental Management & Energy Management systems and have ISO14001 & ISO50001 accreditation.
Dynex is one of the world’s leading designers and manufactures of high power semiconductors and assemblies. We are proud to contribute to the preservation of the environment through an Environmental Management System and believe the protection of the environment to be an integral part of good business practice.
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